Thursday, February 28, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 25 - Concealed Carry

Adults should have the right to carry a concealed handgun.  Adults should carry handguns but they should have to INDICATE whether they are going to use it.  The second amendment ESTABLISHES the right to have a gun.  Lastly, since it is a right people shouldn't have to JUSTIFY having a gun. Overall, I think people should be able to carry a gun.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 24 - Online Learning

Is online learning an effective way to educate students? What I think about online classes I don't think is every CLARIFY because what will happen if need help on something that you will need later.
Their is two AREA that you will learn in school or in your own home in the computer to make yourself have some free time. Online and school are DIFFERENTIATE becaue in online you are just talking to a machine and in school you are face to face with real people. Online learning is not an effective way to educate students. One reason is that teachers will not be able to CLARIFY instructions as easily.

Friday, February 15, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 23 - Dog Fighting

Dog fighting should be illegal. One reason dogs shouldn't be in dog fights is because they have the POTENTIAL to die. Another reason is that a lot of people use this as a FORMULA to get money which is bad. Lastly, this DISTINCT form of entertainment is inhumane and not fair. Overall, dog fighting should be illegal.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 21

Perfroming enhancing drugs, such as steriods, should not be allowed in sports. One reason is that even if althletes only do drugs for a short PERIOD of time it is still cheating. However, the PRIMARY reason is that these drugs are very bad for your body. Athletes are starting a new TRADITION that is causing everyone to look too big and not attractive. Overall performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports.

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 22

Felons should not be allowed to vote. This is a COMPLEX issue, but they have done terrible things so they should not be allowed to vote. Another reason they shouldn't be allowed to vote is because maybe they haven't treated the SOURCE of their anger and haven't changed. Also, they might vote for laws that are RELEVANT to their crimes so that they get easier sentences. Overall, felons should not be allowed to vote.